Standard Rules
keyword UIDN:
must start with
"file:", "http://" or "https://"
Link to Documentation
(for rightmost part)
linkToDocumentation end: main main .sub main/sub  
"\" DocUrl\main no link DorUrl\main\sub  
not "\" DocUrl no link DorUrl\sub  
no DocUrl no link no link no link  
  Link to Shortcut
  Shortcut does not start with "file:", "http://" or "https://" Shortcut starts with
"file:", "http://" or "https://"
  main~shortcut main .sub~shortcut main/sub~shortcut
"\" DocUrl\main\shortcut DocUrl\main\sub.shortcut DocUrl\main\sub\shortcut shortcut
not "\" DocUrl\shortcut DocUrl\sub.shortcut DocUrl\sub\shortcut shortcut
no DocUrl no link no link no link shortcut
  Activation of Documentation Link (Directory) Activation of Shortcut Link
Keyword SCST: Link starts with "file:" Link starts with "http://" or "https://" Link starts with "file:" Link starts with "http://" or "https://"
no keword SCST local web browser local web browser local web browser local web browser  
SCST ApplicGate starts Explorer local web browser ApplicGate starts .BAT, .RDP, .VNC,
else: local web browser
local web browser  
Notes for autologon Client Rules
Keyword SCST and SCSH Activation of Documentation Link (Directory) Activation of Shortcut Link
none Local directories will be created (if shortcuts are generated) and
http links will be generated (ApplicGate acts as web server)
For .BAT, .RDP, .VNC shortcuts: Files will be generated locally and
http links will be generated (ApplicGate acts as web server)
SCST Local directories will be created (if shortcuts are generated) and
ApplicGate starts Explorer to show created directories
ApplicGate starts locally generated .BAT, .RDP, .VNC files.
SCSH If linkToDocumentation is transmitted: see standard rules (Caution: IP addresses within shortcuts are not adjusted)
else: same as "none" (Local directories and shortcut files will be generated)
SCST and SCSH For locally generated directories and "file:" links: ApplicGate starts Explorer
http(s) links: local web browser
ApplicGate starts locally generated .BAT, .RDP, .VNC files,
and remote .BAT, .RDP, .VNC files when the path starts with "file:"
(IP addresses will be adapted)
else: local web browser
Keyword SCSH is vaild only for autologon client rules!
Shortcut types: http(s):// must be full address, nothing will be added
file: must be full address, nothing will be added
no prefix Path of shortcut: DocUrl [+main] [+sub]+shortcut
additional keywords
UPRF To avoid conflicts if different autologon rules are used
RULENET To avoid conflicts if different autologon rules are used
Local shortcut generation for
.RDP IP address and TCP port will be patched
.VNC IP address and TCP port will be patched
.BAT Only IP address will be patched, mainly for "NET USE" commands
Best practice for
autologon clients:
If the autologon client can reach and should use a central file store: If the autologon client cannot or should not use a central file store:
Store shortcuts on file shares,
e.g. linkToDocumentation within keyword UIDN is file://Share1/Projxx
Use the keywords SCST and SCSH to access the file share
and let ApplicGate start the shortcuts after IP address adjustment
Let ApplicGate generate the shortcuts and specify the keyword SCST to let ApplicGate start the shortcuts