' ' VB script example to use CGI interface of ApplicGate.exe ' List directory content ' reinhold.leitner@applicgate.com (C) March 2019 ' ' Argument 0: form data coming from GET request e.g. getDir?path=TestPost&email=reinhold.leitner%40applicgate.com ' or Name of input file with POST data that contains form data, e.g. ' path=TestPost&email=reinhold.leitner%40applicgate.com ' if email=echo: input StandardInput will be displayed ' Argument 1: IP address of caller ' Argument 2: logged on user (email) ' Option Explicit Dim StdIn, StdOut, objArgs, fso, a, line, objH, email, myPath, myArray, field, f, sf, fc, f1, outData, outLen, maxData ' Prepare header for output Wscript.Echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html><meta charset='UTF-8'><body><div style='color:blue;'>" Wscript.Echo Date & " " & Time & "<br>" Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments If objArgs.Count > 1 then Wscript.Echo "Your IP address is " & objArgs(1) & "<br>" If objArgs.Count > 2 then Wscript.Echo "Your logon is " & objArgs(2) & "<br>" If objArgs.Count > 0 then Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Check if form data has been sent via GET request: MyArray = Split(objArgs(0), "?", -1, 1) if UBound(MyArray) > 0 then line = MyArray(1) else 'Read input file: line = "" On Error Resume next Set a = fso.OpenTextFile (objArgs(0)) If Err.number <> 0 then Wscript.Echo Err.Description Err.Clear Else line = a.ReadLine() a.close End If End If If line <> "" Then ' Declare function to decode form data: Set objH = CreateObject("htmlfile") objH.parentWindow.execScript "function decode(s) {return decodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript" ' Parse input data: email = "" myPath = "" myArray = Split(line, "&", -1,1) For Each field in myArray if Left(field,5) = "path=" Then myPath = objH.parentWindow.decode(Right(field,Len(field)-5)) if Left(field,6) = "email=" Then email = objH.parentWindow.decode(Right(field,Len(field)-6)) Next If email <> "" then Wscript.Echo "Your email address is " & email & "<br>" Wscript.Echo "<br>" ' Just for test: Echo input ? If email = "echo" Then Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut Do While Not StdIn.AtEndOfStream StdOut.WriteLine StdIn.ReadLine & "<br>" Loop StdOut.WriteLine "<br>" End If ' if myPath <> "" then Wscript.Echo "List directory " & myPath & "<br><br>" On Error Resume Next Set f = fso.GetFolder(myPath) If Err.number = 0 then Set sf = f.SubFolders For Each f1 in sf outdata = f1.name & " <DIR><BR>" Wscript.Echo outdata Next Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 in fc outdata = f1.name & "<BR>" Wscript.Echo outdata Next Else Wscript.Echo Err.Description Err.Clear 'Wscript.Echo "Path not found!" End If Else Wscript.Echo "Path is missing!" End If Else Wscript.Echo "Input is missing!" End If Else Wscript.Echo "Input data/file is missing!" End If Ende: ' Prepare trailer Wscript.Echo "</div></body></html>"
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reinhold.leitner@applicgate.com (C) February 2025 www.applicgate.com |