(v12.0.9036.21357 started 2024-10-09 03:18:43 on VM2)

Media Type Handling

mediattype ... returns media (mime) type for specified file type. E.g. mediat.doc or mediatdoc returns "application/msword"
mediat* ... returns all media (mime) types defined explicitely within the Application Gateway
loadmt ... loads media types as defined in file MediaTypes.txt (located in default directory)
or use form:

MediaTypes.txt has two columns (separated by blanks): file-extension and media-type, e.g.
pdf application/pdf
.ico image/x-icon
Lines starting with # are treated as comments and are not processed.
If media-type is not specified the corresponding file-extension entry will be removed (if it exists) and the default value will be used.
If there is no file extension the default media type can be overridden using the file-extension "..unspecified".
When executing loadmt: First the built-in media types will be loaded. Then the file MediaTypes.txt will processed (if it exists).
At startup loadmt will be executed automatically.

To update und load MediaTypes.txt via web interface click here.

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