- Microsoft Entra ID -- App registrations --- New Registration ---- Name: enter a name ---- Supported Account types: select account types ---- Redirect URI: ----- Select platform "Web" ----- Enter URI: ------ http://localhost/oaurcv ... for autologon/reverselogon ------ https://server:port/oaurid ... for logon, manage, status, web, and web destinations ------ http://localhost/oautsr ... for local testing ------ https://server:port/oautsr ... for remote testing ---- Click "Register"
Now you can manage the new application: --- Branding & properties: as necessary --- Authentication ---- Add additional Web Redirect URIs as necessary ---- Select "ID Tokens" --- Token configuration (optional): ---- Add optional claim ----- Select token type "ID" ----- Add the name of the claim as used in keyword EMAIL_CLAIM, e.g. "upn" or "verified_primary_email"