(v12.0.9172.28673 started 2025-02-12 03:52:29 on VM2)
Performance Monitoring with visualization by MRTG and PRTG.
For configuration use following two keywords:
Keyword PERFMON:"minutes,AppGWname,LOGdir,MRTGdir,Workdir" ... enable logging of performance data: (For manage routing entry, only one definition per ApplicGate process.) minutes: interval where monitor log is written (default is 5) ... if minutes is <0 no logfile will be written but the positive value will be used as interval to calculate the internal counters ... if minutes is "no": writing of monitor logs is disabled ... In any case the counters can be read via http(s): See keyword PRTG for echo routing entries. This format is compatible with the HTTP Content Sensor from PRTG AppGWname: Name of Application Gateway used for log entries (default is AppGW) LOGdir: Path were logfile will be written (default is default directory where Application Gatewy is running), name of file will be LOGdir\AppGWnamelog.csv. The file has following content (example): "DateTime","\\AppGWname\Connections\TCP active","\\AppGWname\Connections\RTP active","\\AppGWname\Data from/to Source","\\AppGWname\Connections\TCP new","\\AppGWname\Connections\UDP new","\\AppGWname\Connections\RTP new" .. Description: ... TCP active: maximum active TCP and UDP connections in last interval ... RTP active: maximum active RTP connections in last interval ... Data from/to Source: bytes/second, mean value of last interval ... TCP new: new TCP connections per minute, mean value of last interval ... UDP new: new UDP connections per minute, mean value of last interval ... RTP new: new RTP connections per minute, mean value of last interval MRTGdir: bin directory of MRTG, e.g. C:\mrtg\bin (to store configuration file for MRTG AppGWname.cfg etc.) Workdir: Workdir of MRTG, will be inserted in AppGWname.cfg and used to store AppGWname.htm (index page for graphics generated by MRTG)
Keyword GETMON ... for status and manage routing entries: Enables access to to the web site of Workdir via status menu, entry "Performance Monitor".
PERFMON parameters are defined: yes
Steps to activate monitoring on Windows with MRTG: 1. Perl must be installed, e.g. ActivePerl from ActiveState. 2. Install MRTG: Download mrtg .zip file from MRTG homepage and expand it to e.g. C:\mrtg 3. Specify PERFMON keyword as necessary, e.g. PERFMON:",ApplicGate,,C:\mrtg\bin,C:\www\ApplicGate" 4. Generate files (see below) 5. Start MRTG (usually as scheduled task), use the batch file generated below, content: perl mrtg AppGWname.cfg 6. Define the keyword GETMON where needed 7. Wait some minutes and start AppGWname.htm (e.g. c:\wwww\ApplicGate\ApplicGate.htm) to see the performance counters
Click here to generate the files according to active PERFMON setting: In directory MRTGdir: - C:\mrtg-2.17.7\bin\ApplicGate.bat ... Batch file to start MRTG - C:\mrtg-2.17.7\bin\ApplicGate.cfg ... Configuration file for MRTG - C:\mrtg-2.17.7\bin\getlog2.pl ... Perl file to extract values from .csv file In directory Workdir: - C:\www\ApplicGate\ApplicGate.htm ... Index web page Remark: Directories will be created if not existing, existing files will not be overwritten!
Process flow (file names according to active PERFMON setting): 1. Application Gateway writes C:\ApplicGate\ApplicGatelog.csv every specified number of minutes 2. MRTG processes C:\mrtg-2.17.7\bin\ApplicGate.cfg every 5 minutes (default) ... C:\ApplicGate\ApplicGatelog.csv will be read by C:\mrtg-2.17.7\bin\getlog2.pl and graphics will be generated
The format of AppGWnamelog.csv is similar to the output of Windows "Reliability and Performance Monitor" User Defined Data Collector Sets and can be used to feed MRTG.