(v12.0.9036.21357 started 2024-10-09 03:18:43 on VM2)
Keyword SMTP:smtpcommands ... to support SMTP patching (see schema). ... smtpcommands ... optional, lists supported SMTP commands, default is HELO,EHLO,MAIL,RCPT,DATA,QUIT. ... Experimental feature: SMTP:* ... no check on SMTP commands will be done except for EHLO and HELO. ... Experimental feature: SMTP:"cmd1,cmd2,..." ... list of supported commands separated by ",". ......................... if cmd1 starts with "+", e.g. "+RSET,NOOP", these commands are added to the supported commands (see above). Remarks: If the client sends unsupported SMTP commands or if the first client command is not HELO or EHLO, the TCP session will be terminated without notice (may help to block spammers). The "SMTP Logfile" yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS_SMTP.csv will be written, see Main menu.
Subkeywords are: CHKFROM:whitelist ... Check if mail domain in FROM command is valid (check via nslookup of MX record). ... If mail domain is not vaild, then the TCP session will be terminated without notice (may help to block spammers). ... The optional whitelist is a list of mail domain entries (entries are separated by |, e.g. "mycompany.com|aon.at") that are not checked by nslookup and that are assumed valid. DHEL:domainlist ... domain of HELO/EHLO must be in domainlist (names separated by | , each name my contain one or more * as wildcard and can be prefixed with ! for negation). EHLO:exts ... if this keyword or exts is not specified: ESMTP support with following extensions: SIZE,ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES,DSN,8BITMIME. ... Experimental feature: EHLO:* ... no ESMTP extensions will be removed from EHLO response. Used for development to log data. ... Experimental feature: EHLO:"ext1,ext2,..." ... ext is list of extensions separated by ",". Caution: Unsupported extensions may cause problems! ......................... if ext1 starts with "+", e.g. +AUTH,CHUNKING, these extensions are added to the supported extensions (see above). ... To support STARTTLS the keyword SSL:certfile must be specified. EHLO:+STARTTLS and SMTP:+STARTTLS need not be specified. ....SSLTARGET must not be specified, server certificate will not be checked. FAX:dom ...Translates SMTP recipient addresses to Exchange fax syntax to allow sending of faxes to a fax server (e.g. Faxination) via SMTP ... Recipient addresses are translated to Exchange fax syntax as follows: ... Original recipient address: <faxnumber@mydomain.com> ...... faxnumber may have leading "+" and may contain "-" ...... mydomain may be any domain ... Translated recipient address: <IMCEAFAX-faxnumber@dom> ...... dom must be specified after type keyword FAX, must be root domain of Exchange organization HELO:domain ... Replace domain (fully-qualified domain name of the SMTP client) within HELO and EHLO commands. REPR:ReplaceRecipient ... must not be used if keyword FAX is specified. ... ReplaceRecipient is list of entries OldRecipient>NewRecipient[,NewRecipient2] (NewRecipient2 ist optional, entries are separated by |). ... For RCPT command within SMTP traffic: Replace string OldRecipient by string NewRecipient. ... Optionally a second RCPT command with NewRecipient2 will be generated. ... If NewRecipient is *, the mail will be sent to the original recipient. ... If NewRecipient contains one * and other characters, OldRecipient must contain one *. .... e.g. *@mycompany.com>*@aon.at replaces the mail domain. .... e.g. test*@mycompany.com>prod*@aon.at replaces test007@mycompany.com by prod007@aon.at. ... For OldRecipient a wildcard, only one *, is allowed, e.g. *@aon.at, AB*x@mycompany.com. ... e.g. REPR:"user*@x.net>a.b@mycompany.com,c.d@aon.at|contact@x.net>contact@mycompany.com" ... e.g. REPR:"*>*,c.d@aon.at" ... sends all mails to second address also ... If there is no match, following error message will be returned: 550 5.1.1 user@maildomain... User unknown. ... Caution: The target mail server defined in field "Destination IP" must be able to relay to all NewRecipients. REPS:ReplaceSender ... ReplaceSender is list of entries OldSender>NewSender (entries are separated by |). ... For MAIL command within SMTP traffic: Replace string OldSender by string NewSender. ... If NewSender is *, the mail will be sent as original sender. ... If NewSender contains one * and other characters, OldSender must contain one *. .... e.g. REPS:"*@mycompany.com>*@aon.at" replaces the mail domain. .... e.g. REPS:"test*@mycompany.com>prod*@aon.at" replaces test007@mycompany.com by prod007@aon.at. ... For OldSender a wildcard, only one *, is allowed, e.g. *@aon.at, AB*x@mycompany.com. ... e.g. REPS:"user*@x.net>a.b@mycompany.com|contact@x.net>contact@mycompany.com" ... If there is no match, the MAIL command will not be changed. SPAM:block ... Spam processing: If the connection has been terminated because of restrictions (see above), sender information is put in a spam list. ... block is number of minutes to block (if 0: unlimited) new connections from same source IP, with same HELO or EHLO parameters ... The "SPAM Logfile" yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS_SPAM.csv will be written, see Main menu. ... Spam entries (blocks) can be removed by operator via "Active Spam list" in Main menu. SPAMR ... Spam processing for recipients, prerequisite is keyword SPAM. ... If an invalid recipient is detected at processing of keyword REPR: ..... "550 5.1.1 ... User unknown" will be returned and the source address will be put to the spam list. ..... If another RCPT command is sent the session will be terminated.