(v12.0.8955.39627 started 2024-07-10 03:00:09 on VM2)

Differences between Windows, Linux, .NET Framework and .NET version 6.0 or higher:

.NET Framework version of ApplicGate (available for Windows):
- All functions are supported.

.NET version 6.0 (or higher) of ApplicGate (available for Windows and Linux):
- ClickOnce is not supported.
- Set Password via web page (keyword SETPW) is not supported.
- Prompt for client certificate selection with keyword SSLCC is not supported.
- Certificate generation for MIM (keyword MIMCA) is not supported.

ApplicGate running on Linux (.NET version 6.0 or higher):
- Currently only cert.pfx/pass is supported for certificate loading.

ApplicGate Logo (C) July 2024