(v12.0.9187.36022 started 2025-02-25 19:06:27 on VM2)

File Synchronization via Web Site, see schema

Example routing table at
SourceIP;GatewayIP;GatewayPort;GatewayIP2;DestinationIP;DestinationPort;Expiration;Type                                                                       ;UID;Comment       ;eMail
* ;* ;444 ;web ; ; ;* ;CCR:WebAccess,SSL:server.cer,POST:C:\Files\*,DIR:C:\Files,DIRLIST,DEFCMD:* ;WEB;Uploaded Files;
Sample .bat file to upload all files from directory Transfer using client certificate client.cer for authentication (delete source files after successful upload):
SET exeDir=C:\myPrograms\
forfiles /P C:\Transfer /C "cmd /c %exeDir%httpPost.exe @path https://%Target%/@file -delete -c %exeDir%client.cer -v"

Sample command to download all files from web site to local directory d:\zzz :
HttpGet* d:\zzz -c client2.cer -v -d
Note: If the local files exists already it will be downloaded only if the modification date/time or size has been changed.
Optional parameter -sub ... copy subdirectories also, local subdirectories will be created if they do not exist
Remark: The email addresses configured in the certificates must be listed in the group WebAccess.

The keyword DELETE:EmailAddresses is used to allow deletion of files.
If EmailAddresses is specified: Only connections authenticated with such an email address are allowed to delete files.
Deletion of files is requested via an HTTP DELETE request e.g. implemented in the utility HttpGet or by keyword DIRLIST:DelB

Example routing table at
SourceIP;GatewayIP;GatewayPort;GatewayIP2;DestinationIP;DestinationPort;Expiration;Type                                                             ;UID;Comment  ;eMail
* ;* ;444 ;web ; ; ;* ;CCR:WebAccess,SSL:server.cer,DIR:C:\Files,DIRLIST,DELETE:* ;WEB;File Sync;
Sample command to download all files from web site to local directory d:\zzz and delete files from server after download:
HttpGet* d:\zzz -c client2.cer -v -d -delete

Note: The utilites httpPost.exe and HttpGet.exe are provided by ApplicGate.
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