(v12.0.9111.30500 started 2024-12-11 16:09:49 on VM2)
Web Server: ... GatewayIP2=web The default root directory is the subdirectory "store" of directory where the Application Gateway.exe file is stored. If URL does not specify a filename, the value of the keyword DEFCMD will be used. If this is empty: default.htm will be retrieved (if it exists).
Keyword DIR:"webroot"...webroot is the root directory when acting as web server (optional).
Keyword DIRLIST:parameter ... Support of directory listing including subdirectories (optional) - parameter is optional and may be "DelB": Show delete buttons if the keyword DELETE is specified. The keyword DEFCMD can be used to specify a default subdirectory (only one level, because links are relative links!).
Query Parameters: Appended to filename, e.g. https://server.com/file?query1=param1&query2... photo ... a special page with navigation will be generated: - menu with up, previous, next and for -- image files: keyboard (left arrow, up arrow, right arrow) or click in image areas -- .mp4 video files: html video tag with controls - The keyword DEFCMD is supported in this case, e.g. DEFCMD:*?photo s=searchpattern ... *...Zero or more characters in that position, ?... Exactly one character in that position. - e.g.*bc* ... Get all files from directory A that have the string"bc" in the file name. first ... get first file in directory, can be combined with search, e.g.*bc*&first -- The original filename is transmitted in the http header Content-Location. This is supported by the program httpGet.exe. -- Keyword DIRLIST or keyword AGMQ must be specified. last ... get last file in directory, can be combined with search, e.g.*bc*&last -- The original filename is transmitted in the http header Content-Location. This is supported by the program httpGet.exe. -- Keyword DIRLIST or keyword AGMQ must be specified. lastDelPrev ... same as query parameter "last" with the addition that all previous files are deleted. -- Keyword DELETE must be specified and the user must have delete rights. next=filename ... get next file after filename in directory, can be combined with search, e.g.*bc*&next=abc.txt -- The original filename is transmitted in the http header Content-Location. This is supported by the program httpGet.exe. -- Keyword DIRLIST or keyword AGMQ must be specified. list ... directory listing: only text with filenames with CR LF separator (default is an html page), can be combined with search. -- Keyword DIRLIST must be specified. passr=password ... password for read and directory listing (optional). Must match the keyword PASSR. wait[=seconds] ... wait for message (or file), optional wait time in seconds. If seconds are not specified: Inifinite wait -- Supported with query parameter "first", "last" and "lastDelPrev". Keyword AGMQ must be specified.
If DEFCMD:"*" the root directory will be listed. * can also be used to address the root directory directly, e.g.*
Files can be uploaded to the web server via POST with optional post-processing by keyword START. For further post-processing options for any http GET or POST request see CGI . See also File Synchronization via Web Site
Keyword SETPWD:domaincontroller[:port] ... for web page to set the domain password of a user